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Living with intention

Living with intention is not something that comes easy. There are constant distractions that fight for our attention.

As Bob Goff underlines in his book Undistracted, we are living with a massive amount of distractions:

desperate headlines
smartphone scrolling
an endless to-do list
Not to mention the nagging questions of your heart:

Am I making the right decision?
Am I with the right person?
Will my past mistakes keep me from my best future?

I am happier and mentally healthier when I follow a schedule. There’s no pressure of ”shoulds” because I know what I am doing and pour my attention on one thing at a time.

It might not seem like it, but there is freedom in being organised. There’s freedom in living with intention. Play the long game.

And how do we do that:

  • Prioritise what is truly important (I am not encouraging selfishness, however, at the same time, there are moments when you need to make decisions that for others might look selfish).
  • Engage in things that are worth your time.
  • Get rid of clutter: mentally and physically. Fewer engagements, less buying things that you don’t need. Less is more, and less will always bring clarity.
  • Protect your peace.

“If you are a person of faith, at some point you’ll need to decide whether you want to be right or if you want to be Jesus.” – Bob Goff

These are just a few things that pop into my head as I think about living with intention.

Time is so precious and annoyingly flies by so fast – how we use it is essential.

Rock garden

Like most humans on this planet, I live a busy life. It is what it is. And when people give me weird looks regarding my schedule, the 1st thing that comes to mind is: you should talk to some of my friends. Their days are even more insane than mine. However, in the midst of all of this, I am currently praying to see what I need to cut out from my life, what projects I need to say no to and so forth. Proverbs 31 is desired by me more than ever.

There’s a lot to say about Living with intention, but I encourage you to find your path with this. Please take a look at what works best for you.

 You don’t want to look back one day and think, I should’ve lived better or done this or that.

Live life now, and live it well, with thankfulness, wisdom and joy. 

Here are some pictures from our latest ”weekend adventure” – Eltham Palace – one of London’s best-kept secrets.

In the 1930s, millionaires Stephen and Virginia Courtauld saved historic Eltham Palace from decline and transformed it into a lavish home.

There’s a story behind this picture

“We don’t need more facts to find the purpose and kindness and unselfishness we long for; we need a firmly seated faith, a few good friends, and a couple of trustworthy reminders.” – Bob Goff

Until next time ?…